An Inspirational of Young Man.

Published on 13 February 2025 at 11:45

An Amazing Human Being.

Just recently in Australia we had this young guy that ran from Perth to Sydney in a gruelling 43 days at 100 Ks a day. And this was to raise money for the homeless in Sydney, to supply clothes, food, better shelter, a better way to live make them feel like there a major part of society.

Be The Change That You Wish To See In The World.

Nedd Brockmann - what you have done and created through Australia and even the world was something of truly amazement for all ages to be inspired to better yourself in life and if you set a goal - set out to accomplish your goal - You showed the world what it meant to help a society that is looked down upon, one that seems to be ignored and pretend not to be seen, and thats the homeless human beings that have hit rock bottom of life.

Never forget how far you've come. Everything you have gotten through. All the times you have pushed on even when you felt you couldn't. All the mornings you got out of bed no matter how hard it was. All the times you wanted to give up but you got through another day. Never forget how much strength you have developed along the way.

I believe that the young Nedd of Australia had that quote in his head every day foe what he did and accomplished was truly an amazing effort to help people that are in great need to feel like their a part of society again.

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