To Day Is A New Day.

Every sunrise promises a new day; we wake each day with a presentation of new opportunities. It might be a chance to learn something new, connect with family and friends or pursue a passion that ignites our spirit. 

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Being A Dad

Now for those of us that have had kids through out our lives from the very first day there is an art of being a good dad or a parent, which requires being a teacher, friend, showing love, setting boundaries, a good model, all ways being present for them, teach life skills, being able to encourage them, and so many more little things in being a good dad.

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Going the right way.

I have to think and feel if I'm going in the right directions with my path, at the moment id say not really. I'm going in for operation in 8 days which is good and long time coming , and then comes the recovery in which been told 4 to 6 months Mmm so a bit ahead of me for sure. 

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An Inspirational of Young Man.

Just recently in Australia we had this young guy that ran from Perth to Sydney in a gruelling 43 days at 100 Ks a day. And this was to raise money for the homeless in Sydney, to supply clothes, food, better shelter, a better way to live make them feel like there a major part of society.

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To Day Is A New Day.

Every sunrise promises a new day; we wake each day with a presentation of new opportunities. It might be a chance to learn something new, connect with family and friends or pursue a passion that ignites our spirit. 

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Today's My Day.

When you wake up, do you ever get the feeling that today is your day? Which could be simple things that make it your day. It doesn't have to be anything significant to feel good.

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Wellness - Within The Health Sector

Wellness is a significant and broad topic within the health sector, it encompasses within the health sector with many subject on todays health an education with the body and the art of fitness. It eludes many subjects Physical focuses on exercise, nutrition overall physical health - Mental involves emotional health stress management, and mental resilience - Social relates to building and maintaining positive relationships and social networks - Spiritual, explores personl beliefs, values and finding meaning in life. - Environmental, concerns living in harmony with our surroundings and promoting a healthy environment. Occupational, which involves finding personal satisfaction and enrichment in one's work.

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My Year So Far..

Starting a new year an be a refreshing experience fill with hope and new possibilities.You seem to reflect on the past year, set new goals for the up an coming year,which is the plan in moving forward.

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The Art Of Blogging & Writing. This is where the journey can begin. Get to know my business and philosophy with blogging, where i believe in the power of authentic storytelling, meaningful engagement, and the continous pursuit of knowledge that inspires creativity and fosters a vibrant community of writers and readers alike.

The Art Of Blogging

It takes time, patience, and finding the right niche to market, as there are countless voices around the world vying for attention. By honing our unique perspectives and creating valuable content, we can carve out our space in the vast digital landscape and connect with an audience that resonates with our message.

My approach is focused on understanding your needs and providing practical solutions. From personalized consultations to hands-on assistance.I aim to equip you with the tools and strategies necessary to elavate your writing and blogging efforts through my own experiences, ensuring that you feel supported every step of the way.