The question of weather getting older is worht it, depends on the individuals perspectives and experiences, they have occured in growing with age.
My dad is in home care just recently been added to the list of not going home with his wife an daughter, i was supprised he was pretty happy about it, as he tells me his 96 and had enough would just like to go with the flow that come's of old age. Dad has lost a lung weii it's there but not working to full capacity, the heart is irregular missing beats and his food needs to be mashed so he dosen't choke, the bowel movement requires a nappie, dad is walking with help but not to far, in saying all of that his attitude and outlook is really good, as dad saids to me his quiet happy if he goes tomorrow with the words that follow i had a good life.
Mums 87 had both knees done one of her shoulders and a lung collapse but still going really strong in health to were she walks 5Ks every second day, the only problem mum has at the moment is she is missing haven dad around it's going to take some getting use to as they have been married for 66 years dads been her whole life.
I'm not in home care, but with the problems that i have with my hip i wouldnt mind been looked after, that will change in five weeks when i go in for the operarion. As i look at life as a human we are like a car as we get older we start needing regular services and then come parts, this is my second hip, and iv'e had a shoulder reconstruction, a bit work on the knee Lol age, but a part from all of that i'm pretty good, do try and look after myself in a good way.
We dont relise untill we fet older that through out our years we have gained wisdome by accumulating valuable life lessons and insights, which lead us to better decision-making and a deeper understaning of our selfs and others around us.
The key to getting older gracefully and positively often lies in a combination of minset, habbits, and lifestyle choices. One that should be gained and worked to a fine art is Attitude - a postive attitide embraces a postive outlook can significantly affect how we experience aging. We should focus on gratitude and the joys of life rather than dwelling on the challengs that come ahead or are upon us, staying active which is good for the mind and body, nuture relationships in having strong connections with our family and friends, that can provide emotional support and enchance your quality of life.
We need to learn to embrace changes, recognize that change is a part of life, being adaptable can help you navigate the transitions that come with aging. Focus on what matters to you that bring you joy and fulfillment in life, seek suport when needed nothing wrong with asking for the right direction or if someone offers their help accept it as they want to help and be a part of your life., we could mention several more but thats all something we should have learnt as we get older. Dont loose the art of respect for all ages and the many different cultures and their way of life.
The way i look at it we never stop learning untill that last nail goes into the coffin. An important thing with life is never stop Learning it can help with Health, Adaptability as the world is for ever changing which helps with the challenges and situations more effectively, Have personall fullfillment's, good social connections, be confident on your choices and decisions that we make in life, stay curious and try different things ones that you would not have done when you were younger. Stay mentally strong with a good outlook on life learn not to let challenges get you down use your experiences to full fill and move to the next one.
Accepting that aging is a natural part of life, by focusing on growth rather that viewing aging as a decline in life, be resiliance, understanding what matters, have the freedom of independence so you have the passion to pursue your passion and interests. Id say if anything more that everything else enjoy life - enjoy what it has to offer what you make of it with your choices, wake up every day with a smile as it's another day you have infront of you, remember one thing life can stop at a blink, have a good mindset be postive, with the outlook aging is okay as i approach it in a great way of life.
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