I have to think and feel if I'm going in the right directions with my path, at the moment id say not really. I'm going in for operation in 8 days which is good and long time coming , and then comes the recovery in which been told 4 to 6 months Mmm so a bit ahead of me for sure.
The problem i have funds that are running short and have to make some decsions to get me through the next 6 months maybe longer as i need to find work as well after all that. I do get down a bit with things that need doing and get to my head as on the direction i go and making the right choices is a big part of it as well.
If there was one thing that does get to me is being on my own going through this, it would be so nice if i had that little shoulder to talk to or lean on and maybe with the words it will be okay keep looking forward that would help in a lot of ways.
For what ever choices or decsions i make that witll be mine and reight or wrong there going to be ones that i need to make to help me for the next 6 months, one thing i need not to do is get down and out with it that never works with the thought that it's still there and needs attention, to go forward tomorrow we work on one step at a time and thats today.
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